Men fall in love with what they see and women fall in love with what they hear.
On this Valentine’s day, make her feel special by saying some nice things about her and how important place she holds in your life.
To help you have an ease, we at HighClap present you the collection of most romantic Valentine's day quotes and messages for wife or girlfriend. So, let's check out!
Romantic Valentine Day Quotes For Wife
- You are the one who completes me. Happy Valentine’s Day, dear wifey!
- Happy Valentine’s Day, my queen. You are a perfect life partner, a man can ask for.
- Holding your hand makes me the luckiest man in the world, because I know I’ve got the best woman in the universe.
- I am so lucky to have you as my wife, who has a heart full of love and hands are always caring.
- Happy Valentine’s day sweetheart. It now seems impossible to live without you.
- Honestly I didn’t know what true love is, until I met you. Happy valentine’s day, my love.
- Behind every great husband, is an encouraging wife. Thank you and happy valentine’s day.
- You are the rainbow of my sky. You are the reason for my smile. You are the half, that makes me whole.
- Being in love with you is the most amazing feeling in the world, wifey!
- I’m grateful to be sharing life, love and parenthood with a woman like you.
- The greatest wealth a man can have is an understanding and caring wife.
- Happy Valentine’s Day, wifey! I love you to the moon and back.
- Your love gives me the power to wake up every day with a smile on my face and conquer it. I love you my valentine.
- Every day I spend with you is like Valentine's Day, because it is full of love and happiness.
- You’re the most important woman in my life. Happy Valentine's Day, partner!
- I’m a blessed man because my Valentine is my wife. I love you.
- Best friends for life, husband and wife.
- You bring meaning to my life and paint my world with vibrant colors. I LOVE YOU.
- Your smile can make me forget a hundred sleepless nights of pain and a thousand raining days of exhaustion. I live because I'm loved by you!
- On this beautiful day, I promise to never stop loving you. Happy Valentine's day, to my love!
Sweet Valentine Day Messages For Girlfriend
- Candy is sweet, flowers are cute, but there's nothing more to my day than having a smile on your face. Happy valentine’s day, my sunshine
- I see a twinkle in my eye as I look in the mirror, and I know that's the love I feel for you every day. Wonderful Valentine's Day!
- My favorite part of the day is when I get to see you. I love you, honey.
- If you want to spend this Valentine's Day with me, I feel like the luckiest man alive. I promise that I will make you feel like the queen you are.
- I can't wait to look into your eyes and tell you how special you are. Happy Valentine's Day My Love.
- I can't help dreaming about being back in your arms while you are gone. Let us have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
- I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you are yet to be. On Valentine’s day, I vow to never leave your side.
- I might get tired of breathing, but I will never get tired of loving you. Happy Valentine's Day, my love !
- All I've seen in this world has been amazing since I met you. Happy Valentine’s Day!
- The sweetest candy I've ever tasted is your lips. I want to make memories with you on this Valentine's Day to cherish forever.
- I've seen a world in your eyes full of happiness and affection. I crave nothing more than for eternity to be lost in there. Happy Valentine's Day!
- My dear love, multiply my love by infinity and take it to the depths of forever... and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you.
- No matter whether you're close or far away, no matter how many days go by without seeing you, my love is always going to be the same for you!
- You must be a magician, because the whole universe disappears whenever I look at you. A sweet Valentine's Day to wish you well!
- I love you, beyond the stars. Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweetheart.
- I have been a happier guy and a more affectionate boyfriend since you came into my life. I eternally love you. Happy Valentine's Day!
- You are the greatest gift to me from God and I am grateful to have you. I love you. Happy Valentine's Day!
- I started to love my life more, ever since you came in it.
- You make me a better person, you complete me, and I'm glad to call you mine forever. I dearly love you.
- You're the one with the key to my heart's lock. Happy Valentine's Day to you, sweetheart.
- Do you know that I love you? Yes, I do. Happy Valentine's Day, darling.
- I surrender to you, my spirit, my life and my universe on this special day. Because with you, I am a better person, my life is full of laughter, and my world is full of boundless happiness.
- Happy Valentine's day, sweetheart! You are my today and all of my tomorrows.
- Happy Valentine’s day! You are the rhyme in my life’s poem.
Short Valentine’s Day Poems For Her
- I Still Love You
Of all the things I’ve ever said,
Of all the tears I’ve ever shed,
Of all the things I did to you,
I want you to know that I still love you.
Of all the days we fought and cried,
Of all the days I wished I’d died,
Of all the things you did to pull me through,
I don’t believe it, but I still love you.
-By Leilani Hermosa Petersen

- A Joy I Never Knew
Have I told you, Valentine,
That I’m all wrapped up in you?
My feelings for you bring to me
A joy I never knew.
You light up everything for me;
In my heart you shine;
Illuminating my whole life,
My darling Valentine.
-By Joanna Fuchs

- Every Day
Every day with you
is Valentine’s Day, my love.
Every day is filled with romance,
with love, with sharing and caring.
Every day I am reminded
how blessed I am to have you
as my Valentine, my sweetheart,
my lover, my friend,
my playmate, my companion.
No Valentine card,
no words at all could express
how much I love You,
how ecstatic I feel
to know that you are mine.
My Valentine,
every day, I’ll try to show you
that every day I love you more.
- Intoxicating Valentine
My Valentine, you’re all I want;
In you, I find joy and delight;
You give me everything I need;
I’m happiest when you’re in sight.
I think of you both night and day;
I’m drawn to you in pure attraction;
When you’re not here, I ache for you,
For your fulfilling satisfaction.
I dreamed of love like this, and yet,
I never thought that I would capture
The deep, exciting thrills we have,
This intoxicating bliss and rapture.
Please be my Valentine, and more;
Be my life, my world, my all;
Together we can be content,
And share life’s pleasures, big and small.
-By Joanna Fuchs

- Valentine
Valentine, Valentine, Valentine
O’ won’t you please be mine
You’re such a sweetheart
With love full of sweet tarts
Cupid has struck
His bow and arrow
I can tell because I’m falling for you
O’ valentine please come true
Let’s make a deal
with a kiss to seal
I’ll be your valentine
And you’ll be mine.
-By Nicole L. Gray

- My Valentine, my wife
Since you came into my life, my whole world has changed,
My days are brighter, and I feel there is nothing I can’t do,
There is joy and serenity,
The whole world seems more wonderful and lovely,
I have never felt such a tender, spectacular feeling in my heart,
You are always with me, in my mind,
And I never want us to be apart,
Once in a life time, heaven bestows a gift,
A beauty indescribable,
Felt only in the heart,
To describe this gift, I have no words,
To honour its brilliance and my gratitude for receiving it
True love is this gift, and my gift is you,
You are the treasured loveliness, very few in this world find,
On this day of celebrating love,
I want you to know I can trust you with my life,
Thank you for being my beautiful wife.
I love you.

- One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII
I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
secretly, between the shadow and the soul.
I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom but carries
The light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose
From the earth lives dimly in my body.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you directly without problems or pride:
I love you like this because I don't know any other way to love,
Except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
So close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
So close that your eyes close with my dreams.
-By Pablo Neruda

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